Friday, July 06, 2007

More Lasts

I feel like I've been mentally saying goodbye for about two months, and now I'm actually saying goodbye.

Monday night Aikido crowd. I had an awesome practice. Beforehand I determined to train with everyone and have as much fun as possible without worrying about getting all the techniques right. I had a blast. After class, my eyes started to tear up when I asked Murayama Sensei if we could take a group picture and he was totally apathetic to my impending absense. I'm going to miss the two girls in the back. Okay, I'm going to miss everyone. They just get extra mention because they gave me goingMonday I said farewell to the of her mother-in-law's old kimono and yukata and we picked out a couple. The other lady in the picture brought me a very nice hand towel that I've been using to wipe away sweat during practice. It's funny, if I were blind, and someone in the picture grabbed my hand, I would know exactly who it was but I'm ashamed to say I don't know everyone's name. 'Cause we neve away presents!!! Ishida-san (back, second from left) brought over a bunchr talk. We just throw each other around and I make inappropriate jokes in such a serious place. I love it. I will write more on the individuals later, so I don't forget them.

Wednesday I said goodbye to the Wednesday crowd. (Same "dojo"- as in same head sensei, but different people). I'm going to miss that group. They seemed a bit sad to see me going.

I'm really going to miss my karate dojo though. Although I've only done karate for 6 months, as opposed to my 2 years at aikido, I feel like I'm part of the group there. Everyone stands around and talks before and after practice, they have barbecues and go out together. It feels like a community. As Kevin once said, the Himeji Aikido people train like they're going to work. The Karate people train because they love it and love to be there with that group of people.

So last night was my last night at karate. In parting, they decided to give me juninkumite, or ten people sparring. One on one for 1 1/2 minutes each separated by 30 seconds. I died. Seriously. In my last match (with kancho Sensei) I got knocked to the ground so much I felt like I was going to either cry or throw up. Maybe both. It was absolutely exhausting. I took so many low kicks to my thighs I can hardly walk today. My right shin protector slipped to the side at some point, so that part of my leg is covered in bruises. I got a very nice email from my sensei afterwards, saying I did really well and he was impressed. I have to sit down and write him a nice letter, but it will take some time to think of what to write and then I'll have to translate it into Japanese 'cause Sensei doesn't really speak English, at all. Well, he says things like "full powaa" and "Allison, rush rush!" I love it. Afterwards they gave me an honorary black belt Although I'm still skill-wise a white belt. I guess I can wear it around my apartment and feel cool in the safety that no one else will see it and challenge me to a fighto fighto.

I was supposed to go out clubbing with Lexi tonight. We had to
modify plans seeing as I can hardly walk, let alone dance. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through my absolutely last night of Aikido practice tomorrow. I guess I'll Gaman- persevere.


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