Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hellooooo Japan!

Sorry for the long delay between posts, I really have no excuse. I've had some good adventures and a few nice trips. I'll try to recount them later.

For now though I'm sitting at the Starbucks at the Osaka Airport (KIX) waiting for the next bus back to Himeji. I've just returned from less than a week in the US, doing med school interviews and having a mock thanksgiving with my family. Well, part of my family. Courtney couldn't make it down from Montreal and Sigrid and the cousins were still up in Chicago. My apologies to my friends in the US. I didn't really tell anyone I was coming back. I knew I'd be busy with school stuff and wouldn't have time to see anyone

For those waiting curious about my interviews, I had two last week. On Monday I rushed out to OSU in Columbus and on Wednesday I interviewed at IU. Had I known I was having an interview on Monday when I scheduled my plane ticket, I probably would have skipped my students' speech contest on Saturday and flown over a day earlier (I left on Sunday and arrived on Sunday). As it was, I didn't sleep much Friday night, then Saturday I took some friends' advice and stayed up all night, thinking I would sleep the whole way to the US and be a day ahead adjusting to time zones. As it was, I didn't sleep at all on the plane, and only got 6 hours Sunday night. I was exhausted for my interview, had a pounding headache, and fought off nausea all morning. Throughout my interview I don't think I answered questions very coherently, as my only thoughts were how much time was left and trying to fight back vomitting. As it was, my interview said, "So, do you have any questions?" My answer, "Where's the bathroom?" So, I'm not sure what sort of chance I have after that. Let's just say, they won't be forgetting me soon.

At my IU interview, I didn't throw up, I didn't pass out, and no one died. So I guess it went better. I'll find out about OSU this week, and IU in either March or May.

I got an interview invitation from Northwestern this week though!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Once again, my building of Himeji's resident gaijin teachers hosted a Halloween party for the local kids. Last year we planned for 75 kids and over 110 showed up. So this year I wasn't really involved in planning, but I said I would help at the actual event. I removed myself so far from responsibility that I didn't even plan on wearing a costume until 1:00 on Saturday. With the party starting in 4 hours, I rushed around Himeji trying to put together a costume. I had one idea, to make myself a treasure chest- paint a big cardboard box, wear it like a skirt with brown pants, and glue 1 yen coins all over my shirt, find a bunch of cheap party jewelry, a tiara, and so forth. Everyone else thought this was really stupid, which I'll admit it was. I think I just really wanted to glue shiny stuff to myself. Anyway, without any time I decided to go as a pirate, since I was already wearing a stripy red/white shirt and had a pair of brown boots. I searched all over this little city for some face paint and supplies before returning home. I think I did decently well. Goal: Scary.

Yo yo yo!
Lots of white face paint
Red paint for slit throat
Fishing lures for fish still stuck in hair after emerging from the sea
Cut and pin random plants in hair for seaweedy-look
Sash. And/or belt

Not pictured:
Big tall brown boots